Sanislo Elementary

Student Life

Parent-Teacher-Student Compacts

Parents – Please read this compact with your child. Have both you and your child sign the compact and return to your child’s teacher.

Sanislo is a safe learning community that is dedicated to building respectful and responsible citizens and empowering all learners.   This includes learning to live and work well together as a school community. A compact is a written agreement that outlines how students, parents and teachers will work together to accomplish great things for our children in school and in life.  At Sanislo, this is what we agree to in order to do our best and work well together!

Student Pledge:

I pledge to:

  • Come to school on time ready to learn, work hard, and do my best.
  • Observe the school rules to be safe, be respectful and be responsible.
  • Follow school expectations for noise level and behavior in the hallways, lunchroom and on the playground.  
  • Solve problems and practice making good decisions.
  • Bring school supplies and completed homework every day.
  • Read every day
  • Be my best!

Family Pledge:

I/We pledge to:

  • Ensure that my child attends school every day and on time.
  • Help my child get enough sleep on school nights, 10 hours or more for children ages 6-12.
  • Provide a quiet time and place for homework, monitor its completion, and limit TV viewing and video games.
  • Read to my child and encourage my child to read daily.
  • Check my child’s backpack daily for communication from teachers and notices from school.
  • Participate in school activities whenever possible. 
  • Attend parent/teacher conferences.
  • Communicate with school staff about my child’s progress and seek help if my child is not meeting grade level academic standards or behavior expectations.

School Pledge:

We pledge to:

  • Provide a safe, warm and caring learning environment.
  • Plan instruction that is engaging and appropriately challenging to students.
  • Have high expectations of our students, and communicate these expectations clearly so that students and parents see growth.
  • Make school rules clear to students and enforce them fairly and consistently.
  • Communicate regularly with families about student progress.
  • Work as a team with other school staff to design excellent instruction and support students and families.
  • Involve families in decision making and improving our school community.