Sanislo Elementary

Student Family Portal

Services Overview

Services at Sanislo

What should you do if you think your child is struggling at Sanislo?

The first step is to talk to your child’s classroom teacher. The Resource teacher can also be present at the meeting if you wish.

You may request or be referred to a SIT (Student Intervention Team) meeting (generally held at 8:15 on Thursday mornings) where a team of school specialists (including the principal, the school nurse, the school psychologist, the SLP, and two special education teachers) can hear the history of the school concern and problem solve multiple interventions.

Resources for students with special needs:

The goal of our Resource program is to help each student achieve his or her academic potential. The Resource teacher works with Sanislo’s community in the following ways: supporting classroom teachers and parents by identifying potential learning, behavioral, or social/emotional issues; offering support, insights, and/or resources to target interventions; creating individual or classroom behavioral plans; accessing support of building and district specialists for evaluation, including the school psychologist, the SLP (speech and language provider), the school nurse, and/or the OT/PT (occupational/physical therapist); creating and implementing IEPs (Individualized Education Programs) for students identified as needing SDI (specially designed instruction) in academic, behavioral, and/or social/emotional areas.

At Sanislo we use a combination of “pull-out” and in class support for our special education students. This provides each student with individualized learning according to their IEPs. Our Special Education Teacher works in a Resource Room setting. We also have a Speech and Language Pathologist, and a Physical Therapist that work with special education students who are “pulled-out” of the general education classroom for more intensive, 1-1 or very small group academic services.

English Learners at Sanislo

Welcome to EL (English Learning) at Sanislo Elementary. Room 103 is a multi-age environment and is guided by the Essential Academic Learning Requirements (ERLS) and Grade Level Expectations (GLEs). These state and district guidelines shape the instructional and assessment methods which are used to help identify students needs and abilities in the classroom. If you would like a copy of the GLE’s, please access them online.

Support for English learners is provided in the regular classrooms as well as for small groups in room 103. We currently have one full time EL teacher and two full time EL instructional assistants.

Learn more on the district English Learners Services and Programs page.

Advanced Learning Opportunities

To meet the needs of advanced learners, school staff differentiates instruction and materials to meet the level of the individual student. This includes, but is not limited to, small group instruction, individualized assignments, one-to-one teacher conferences, and accelerated assignments and homework.